Follow these steps to submit information to help us figure out your problem

  1. Create an email to
  2. Write a brief description of the problem you are seeing.

  3. Attach the STL that is causing the problem

    1. If you do not know where the original file is you can export it from MatterControl
    2. From the Queue select 'Export'
    3. Save the file to a know location and attach that to your email. 
      Export STL.png
  4. Write the name of the slice engine used.

    1. When running MatterControl
    2. Select the printer you were using
      select printer.png
    3. Go to 'Advanced Settings'
      advanced controls.png
    4. Select 'Slice Settings' 
      Slice Settings Text.png
    5. Make sure your are using the 'Slice Engine' MatterSlice (our supported engine) 
      MatterSlice Engine.png
  5. Attach the slice settings you used.

    1. Click on 'Options'
    2. Click on 'Export'
      Options Export.png
    3. Save to a known location and attach that file